Utah Valley Ward Missionaries

We currently have four missionaries serving from our ward. They would love you to reach out to them; even better, write them a letter — on paper! — so they can get mail from you! (Their contact information is also in your Member Tools app.) Thank you to our missionaries for serving so diligently.

Elder Dyson (DJ) Malm

California Ventura Mission
3301 W Gonzales Rd
Oxnard, CA 93036


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008027852831

"Missionary work is such a unique experience and you would never get to experience anything like this in your life. You meet so many random cool people that make it so worth it ,and seeing like the spark in they eyes when you teach someone and they understand it, is so cool and very worth it! 

Even tho there's a lot of people that hate on you for no reason, give you nasty looks, kick you out of restaurants cause of what you're dressed and represent, and or just slam the door in your face when you just trying to ask them if someone you're teaching lives there. There's alot of fun things that you learn to smile and laugh through it and you learn to love it."

President Benjamin and Sister Becca Larson

California San Jose Mission
1336 Cherry Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125-3721



Facebook group: California San Jose Mission—President and Sister Larson 2023-2026

"Becca and I are so excited to spend 3 years in San Jose, California starting this July! We can't wait to meet all the wonderful missionaries, church members, and local leadership that we'll be working with! ❤️🤟"